allevamento di cavalli

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If you’re looking for some tips to choose a breed for your stud farm, you’ll find them in this article. We’ll go through some details and we’ll provide you with a solution that will help you to manage your stud farm and promote its growth.

Firts steps towards the right choice

If you’re dreaming to set up a stud farm for purebred horses, you should know that it’s not an easy path to follow, but it will nonetheless be an adventure full of personal fulfilment and profit. Nevertheless, the decision to breed a specific breed should be well-pondered. For this reason, there are several factors to consider.

First of all, you should keep in mind that every horse needs to be followed with extreme care: you need to reflect on your available space, your breeding needs, and the facilities that need to be built to give every horse the chance to enjoy as much freedom of movement as possible.

allevamento di cavalli

After carefully assessing your resources, expectations and needs, you will have to choose among over 300 horse breeds, that vary in character and morphology. There are, for examples, hot-blooded horses and cold-blooded horses, they could be dolichomorphic, mesomorphic or brachymorphic, etc. Every breed needs some special and suitable care, for example in regard to nutrition. It goes without saying that racehorses are definitely more expensive, but in the long run they are also the most profitable.

Therefore, after reflecting on what you can and would like to achieve, you will be able to proceed with analysing all the available breeds and choosing the one that best meets your needs and the type of stud farm that you plan to set up.

Also the character should be considered

In addition to the horse’s morphology and skills, you shouldn’t forget to consider also its character. When buying a horse and choosing how to set up your stud farm, you should remember that every breed has a specific character, that can obviously vary from horse to horse.

The easiest to handle are geldings. Stallions, while docile and good company for some, are absolutely not easy to handle and breed. For this reason, they’re not recommended to those who recently started riding.

Mares are definitely the friendliest, regardless of their breed, and are perfect for those who plan to set up a stud farm. As far as mares are concerned, the most difficult time comes when they’re on heat or during pregnancy and foaling.

Foaling Alarm: a foaling alarm system for your stud farm

To make managing your stud farm easier and make it more profitable from the start, right after choosing the breeds, you can count on our Foaling Alarm, an important and useful device to follow the mare’s foaling in the best way. After all, it is protecting the birth of the foals that the future champions can be born.

Our foaling alarm system is a very efficient device installed to monitor the foaling, so that foals, very precious for auctions, can be born in a safe and healthy way. Foaling Alarm is, therefore, an essential ally for those who run a purebred stud farm, and should definitely not be underestimated!
